You Are Your Instrument

man playing cello

I have been asked to give a short workshop for a group of cellists in a week or so. I am not a cellist. I’m not even a musician. I am an Alexander Teacher. So, why am I of all people giving a group of cellists a workshop?

When I give a workshop for musicians I always want to get across one basic concept:

What is the common denominator in absolutely everything you do?


Too often, when it comes to studying music most of the attention gets put on the music and on the physical instrument being played (cello, piano, you fill in the blank…) Very little attention gets paid to you.

And yet you are the most important of the three.

The other two depend on you.

The only time that you get attention is typically when you are in pain or when you are stuck in some way, struggling to progress to another level of playing.

There are always two instruments. You and your instrument of choice.

And you are always the primary instrument.

And that is why I have been invited to give a workshop for cellists when I am not a musician.

Because the Alexander Technique is all about learning about you as your primary instrument.

And everything you do depends on that primary instrument.

Image by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay 

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